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What's on Our Staff's Wishlists

Need some inspiration for Secret Santa or presents for your loved ones? See the gift ideas our staff are wishlisting for Christmas.

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With Christmas just around the corner, the Just Sunnies staff have been busy getting their wishlists together right on time for the gifting season. If you're shopping for loved ones, or looking to treat yourself, but are unsure which sunglasses to choose from, take some advice from the team as we share the sunglass styles at the top of our wishlists and why.

Laura, Digital Content Executive

There are always more than a few designer pairs on my wishlist, without naming them all, at the top of my list is the new Saint Laurent SL 553 sunglasses. I've been contemplating a pair of Saint Laurents for a while and feel like Christmas is the perfect treat-yourself occasion. Hailey Bieber approved, and the SL 553 will be my new everyday go-to while still looking high-end. Because my partner is a big fan of Epokhe, I have both the Epokhe Suede for a bit of fun and their new Stereo style on my wishlist. Lastly, even though my mum has the Raen Remmy 49 in almost every colour, she's got her eyes on the Cirus frame colourway. Knowing what their go-to shapes and brands make gift-giving that much easier.

Chantelle, Marketing Coordinator

For me, on the very top of my wishlist is the Miu Miu 11WS in the green frame. I haven't got a coloured pair, and what better time to play with colour than summer! We're all obsessed with Miu Miu in the office, so I won't be surprised if I'm not the only one with the 11WS on their list. For my stepdad, I'll be rebuying him the Ray-Ban Erika Classic sunglasses in the light havana frame and polarised lenses. He had this pair a few years ago, lost them, and hasn't found a pair he liked as much since! And because I am the best big sister, I'll be buying her the Versace Kids VK4429U sunnies in transparent pink. She is a sassy fashionista who loves all things pink so they are absolutely perfect.

Brooke, Sales & Operations Manager

My family are doing Secret Santa this year and I got my brother. While I'm usually more creative with my gift-giving, I know he's been eyeing off the Liive Manhattan sunglasses that fall within the budget with a little to spare. Liive sunglasses are always good everyday sunnies to have, and with his track record of losing his eyewear, there's no need to go over budget. The best part of being an auntie is spoiling my niece and nephew. For my nephew, because the kid is way cooler than me, I have the Oakley Youth Resistor saved to my wishlist. And for my niece, obviously, the Versace VK4428U sunglasses in transparent violet because she LOVES an accessory.

Olivia, Product Coordinator

I'm heading home to Melbourne for Christmas so my wishlist is filled with gift ideas for my sister and her husband. For my brother-in-law, I'm leaning towards the OTIS Omar sunglasses. He loves his Ray-Ban Round Metals as they are simple, so I thought going with the translucent acetate colour would be something different but not too out of his comfort zone. For my sister Ange, she is starting to explore with different coloured lenses rather than her usual brown or black. So this year, I will be spoiling her with the Sunday Somewhere Elle sunglasses in the tiger tort frame with blue tinted lenses as the tort frame will suit her blonde hair and fair complexion, and the blue lenses work so well in contrast to this colour acetate frame. My wishlist is never without a few new designer arrivals, buying the latest Prada, Miu Miu and Versace styles is my guilty pleasure.