Sunny Sessions
Just Sunnies for PAWgust
This August, the Just Sunnies team braved the chilly winter mornings and afternoons to walk with our best furry friends in order to raise funds for Guide Dogs Australia. As eye care and protection is an integral part of Just Sunnies, it seemed only fitting for us to participate in Pawgust to raise funds for those who need a guide dog to help them see.
This August, the Just Sunnies team braved the chilly winter mornings and afternoons to walk with our best furry friends in order to raise funds for Guide Dogs Australia. As eye care and protection is an integral part of Just Sunnies, it seemed only fitting for us to participate in Pawgust to raise funds for those who need a guide dog to help them see.
By setting a goal to walk or run for at least 30 minutes a day for the month of August, we're pleased to announce that the Just Sunnies team raised $1,573.00 thanks to our generous friends, colleagues and family. We loved being part of such an important cause that was made even better with our dogs by our side. We can't wait for the next PAWgust!

About PAWgust & Guide Dogs Australia
Guide Dogs Australia is a not-for-profit organisation that delivers essential services to anyone who is blind or has low vision. With a belief that vision loss should not limit anyone's independence, Guide Dogs provides assistance to anyone with vision loss while encouraging them to be active and involved members of the community. Receiving only minimal government funding, Guide Dogs Australia relies on the generous support of the community to fund programs and services such as training guide dogs, assistance dogs, orientation and mobility services, daily living services and client support.
The Pawgust challenge started in 2018 in order to raise funds for the important services the organisation was providing to the community and has since raised over $3.2 million dollars for Guide Dogs!
Meet our PAWsome participants
A big thanks to everyone who supported us in August! If you would like to get involved in fundraising for Guides Dog Australia or want to find out more about their awesome cause, click here.